Opening Hours

We are open daily from 8-5, except on March 16th. That’s the only day we’re closed out of the whole year.

Park and Ride the Shuttle Up Bodhisattva Mountain

Upon reaching the Monastery, go up the hill and turn left into the parking lot, next to Rajanagarindra Cafeteria. It is important that you look for the cafeteria, so you don’t park at the very first parking space you see upon entering the gate of the temple. Wait for a shuttle to take you up to major attractions for a modest fee.
There are many sharp turns on Bodhisattva Mountain, so for your safety, personal vehicles are forbidden past the designated parking area, near Rajanagarindra Cafeteria.

Work Your Way Down from the Top

The Monastery is made up of 6 zones. Explore them in reverse order. Begin at the peak of Bodhisattva Mountain (Zone Six) and descend to Rachayanawa Vessel (Zone One).
The shuttle will take you to two zones: six (the highest point) and five (Sri Buddha Gaya Pagoda), and it will wait to take you down to Rajanagarindra Cafeteria, where you parked.
To see the rest of the zones (four through one), explore them on foot. Instead of riding the shuttle down, descend the steps in front of Sri Buddha Gaya Pagoda. Take your time to enjoy each zone at your leisure.
Alternatively, you can ride the shuttle down to the foothill after seeing Zone Five, and then explore zones one through four on foot. You’ll get a good workout in the process, but there are tranquil rest spots along the way.